Dear readers, friends and fellow web creators, I need your help. I would like to ask for your suggestions in the form of comments to this post. The problem is the stigma attached to the term “accessibility”. Now we know that web accessibility achieves more than simply facilitating access to web content. But a lot […]
Coping with CSS vendor prefixes
Peter-Paul Koch drops a PPK-bomb on CSS vendor prefixes, the latest post in what seems to be a series of rants which get everyone thinking and talking: not necessarily agreeing. But if you know PPK, then you know that’s probably not the point. You should read the post. Then form an opinion. Mine is that […]
Dutch translation of WCAG2 in public review
The Dutch translation of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 went into public review on November 2, 2009. It will be in review for 30 days. If you are Dutch (or are fluent in Dutch), and especially if you have knowledge in web accessibility, web development or web technologies in general, you might consider […]