Conditional multi-column sublists

Some designers are able to operate in that universe where anything goes, where the practicalities of implementation don’t exist. This can actually be a good thing at the beginning of the creative process; without this no-limit thinking, the design process might yield less creativity. Then again, many designers are fantastic at working within constraints.

At some point, though, either designers are confronted with constraints and must accommodate them, or this is implicitly tasked to developers. The latter is often the case, unfortunately. This almost always leads to a series of little development puzzles. “How might I implement this?”

We can do a lot with CSS, but sometimes we need a little help from JavaScript. I consider myself a designer who codes, which, to be clear, means “not a programmer”. Lucky for me, I have programmer friends, and I read a lot.

So while working on a recent project, I encountered a design comp that called for a few adjacent lists of “filters” (read: tags or categories). Each list had a heading above it.

(Note that the following examples are not indicative of the visual design. Note also that they no sense on narrow screens, where the lists could simply flow vertically.)


Being as creative as the designer in the sense that I didn’t burden myself with such practicalities as browser support (yet), I figured I could mock this up with Flexbox. Each section containing a header and a list becomes a flex item, and let’s let those wrap if they need to wrap. Easy enough.

Lists with Flexbox applied (CSS).

Lists with Flexbox applied (output).

In the design, some lists were longer than others. Lists with many items were to be split into multiple columns. Flexbox was taking care of the necessary flexibility of the main lists, but what to do about the sublists that are too long? And can we have any flexibility in determining what “too long” means?

A simple solution for splitting a list into multiple columns is CSS Multi-Column Layout. Implementations aren’t totally consistent, and I wrote some time ago about some of those inconsistencies, but the very basics are pretty usable right now as a progressive enhancement to normal content. Lack of multi-column simply yields a one-column list.

If one were to set a specific height to the containing element, multi-column would do it’s thing automatically. But I didn’t like the idea of setting a specific height on anything. A more content-centric approach would be to determine how many items a list may have before it was split into columns.

I’m fairly sure that determining the number of columns as a condition of the number of children is not currently possible with CSS. So in this case, it’s JavaScript to the rescue.

I needed a function that takes whatever element I’m using as a list, plus a maximum number of list items per column, as parameters. It should look at each list, count the number of items in it, and if the maximum number of list items is exceeded, it should add a class to that list. The class allows application of the correct number of columns via CSS.

Here’s the function, after too many iterations, a beer, and another pair of eyes:

Here is the function.

And here’s the result:

Here is the result.

This is not completely bulletproof, but it does allow for some flexibility (“let’s allow 10 items per column instead of five”).

This was a fairly simple problem to solve (though I won’t be competing in the Array.prototype Olympics anytime soon). But I’d like to say this: designers and developers should think about these types of implementation issues together, and that should happen during the design process. Not afterward, when stakeholders have fallen in love with the design comps. This would allow for consensus on the baseline experience (stakeholders tend to see design comps as the baseline). Quick mockups in browser-based tools such as JSBin (which I used for this example) or CodePen could help solidify these types of design decisions, and allow both designers and developers to experience these decisions on actual devices and to design for contingencies as well.

Special thanks to Jake and Heydon for being kind enough to review my example.

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